
środa, 3 listopada 2010

Bangladesh Journal of Botany - 38 (2), 2009

Contents [Volume 38, Number 2, 2009]:


Effects of a fungicide on the morphology and viability of pollens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Ilkay Öztürk Çali, Feyza Candan

Diversity and pathogenicity of the rice brown spot pathogen, Bipolaris oryzae (Breda de Haan) Shoem. in Bangladesh assessed by genetic fingerprint analysis
MM Kamal, MAT Mia

Morphology, anatomy and ecology of critically endangered endemic Crocus pestalozzae Boiss. (Iridaceae) in North-West Turkey
Nezahat Kandemir

Effects of some limnological factors on the growth of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertner
Md Almujaddade Alfasane, Moniruzzaman Khondker, ZN Tahmida Begum

Phenolic content, anti-oxidative, anti-?-amylase and anti-?-glucosidase activities of Solanum diphyllum L.
Sheikh Julfikar Hossain, Magdi A El-Sayed, Aboul-Hamid H Mohamed, Mohamed G Sheded, Hitoshi Aoshima

Marine algae of St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. VII. Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. and new records of Acrochaetium (Rhodophyceae)
Abdul Aziz, Shahima Islam

Genetic diversity and relationships in jute (Corchorus spp.) revealed by SSR markers
Saaimatul Huq, Md Shahidul Islam, Abu Ashraqur Sajib, Nadim Ashraf, Samiul Haque, Haseena Khan

Effects of nitrogen on yield and chlorophyll of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars
Semiha Güler

Seed morphology and histology of some Paronychia taxa (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey
Ayşe Kaplan, Hatice Çölgeçen, H Nurhan Büyükkartal

Ultrastructure of sporophyte of Cladosiphon okamuranus Tokida (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)
Qinghua Zhu, Xuecheng Zhang, KKIU Arunakumara

Short Communications

Constituents of essential oils from leaves and seeds of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. cultivated in Bangladesh
Jasim Uddin Chowdhury, Md Hosnay Mobarok, Md Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan, Nemai Chandra Nandi

Fruit coat patterns and morphological properties of seven species of Symphytum L. (boraginaceae) from Turkey
Öznur Ergen Akçin, Hilal Baki

Rediscovery of Salvia freyniana Bornm. (Lamiaceae), a critically endangered species in Turkey
Safi Bagherpour, Ferhat Celep, Musa Dogan, Ahmet Kahraman

Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb. f. (Orchidaceae) – a new angiospermic record for Bangladesh
MK Huda, MM Hoque

Anatomy and palynology of Salvia verticillata subsp. verticillata L. (Lamiaceae), a red-listed species in Turkey
Onur Koyuncu, Ismühan Potoglu Erkara, Murat Ardiç

Induction of mutation in Neurospora crassa with ultraviolet radiation and evaluation of cellulase and xylanase activities
Tahsina Rahim, Apurba Lal Ray, Salina Parvin Beauty, Donald James Gomes

Karyotype of some species of Chara and Nitella (Charophyta) from Bangladesh
Wahida Khatun, Md Mosleh Ud-Deen, Golam Kabir

Gynandrosporous species of Oedogonium borisianum (LE CL.) Wittr. ex Hirn (Chlorophyceae) from Bangladesh
Sabrina Naz, Umma Nahar, Md Solaiman Ali, Shah Md Golam Gousul Azam

Production and usage of different types of ash-cakes from Peganum harmala L. (Zygophyllaceae) in Anatolia, Turkey
Onur Koyuncu, Derviş Öztürk, Ismühan Potoglu Erkara, Ömer Koray Yaylaci, Murat Ardiç

Effects of phosphorus deficiency on the root growth of lentil seedlings grown in rhizobox
Bimal Chandra Sarker, JL Karmoker



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