
wtorek, 2 listopada 2010

Bangladesh Journal of Botany - 38 (1), 2009

Contents [Volume 38, Number 1, 2009]:


Effects of aluminium (Al3+) on seed germination and seedling growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
ANM Alamgir, Sufia Akhter

Effects of a fungicide on pollen morphology and fertility of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Ilkay Öztürk Çali

Ontogenic changes in hypericin content of some Hypericum species in natural pastureland of Turkey
Ferat Uzun

Relationship between nutrient content and spectral reflectance in orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.)
Sebahattin Albayrak, Mevlüt Türk

New records of Oedogonium Link in Nees from Rajshahi district, Bangladesh
Sabrina Naz, Umma Nahar, Solaiman Ali, Shah Md Golam Gousul Azam

Induced partially sterile inversion heterozygote in Ornithogalum virens L.
Sitesh C Biswas, Amal K Biswas

Airborne pollen grains at Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh
MK Pasha, Mohammad Sohrab Hossain

Numerical analyses of wild Jurinea spp. (Asteraceae) in Turkey
Bekir Dogan, Ahmet Duran, Erdogan Hakki

Effects of elevated CO2 and water stress on root structure and hydraulic conductance of Solanum melongena L
Bikash C Sarker, Michihiro Hara

New records of freshwater Dinoflagellates from Bangladesh. I. Ceratium, Gymnodinium and Peridinium
Moniruzzaman Khondker, Abdul Aziz, Md Almujaddade Alfasane, Rauf Ahmed Bhuiyan

Enterobacter strain 9410-O with porous substrates to enhance heterotrophic activity in bottom water environment
Md Abdul Karim, Kimio Fukami

Physicochemical aspects and phytoplankton of the river Shitalakhya receiving pharmaceutical effluents
ZN Tahmida Begum, Dilara Khanam

Bacterial load and chemical pollution level of the River Buriganga, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mihir Lal Saha, Mahbubar Rahman Khan, Mohammad Ali, Sirajul Hoque

Chemical composition and functional properties of Vicia faba L. from Bangladesh
Md Golam Mortuza, Md Abdul Hannan, Jason TC Tzen

Short Communications

Effects of growth regulators on root tip cells of onion
Md Mosleh Ud-Deen, Golam Kabir

Calcium oxalate crystals in leaves of Quercus cerris L. and Q. ilex L.
Hatice Çölgeçen, Ayşe Kaplan, H Nurhan Büyükkartal

Chemical components in volatile oil from Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC.
Md Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan, Jasim Uddin Chowdhury, Jaripa Begum

Karyotype analysis with orcein and CMA from leaf base cells of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. et Kurz
Syeda Sharmeen Sultana, ANM Rubaiyath Bin Rahman, Sheikh Shamimul Alam



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