
niedziela, 10 października 2010

South African Journal of Botany - 76 (1), 2010

Contents [Volume 76, Issue 1, 2010]:

Editorial Board

Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Podocarpus sensu latissimo (s.l.) - Review Article
H.S. Abdillahi, G.I. Stafford, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of four kaempferol methyl ethers isolated from Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. var. angustifolia leaf extracts
L.S. Teffo, M.A. Aderogba, J.N. Eloff

Prevention of floret abscission for Agapanthus praecox requires an adequate supply of carbohydrate to the developing florets
G.K. Burge, E.R. Morgan, J.F. Seelye, G.E. Clark, A. McLachlan, J.R. Eason

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oils of Lippia rehmannii from South Africa
J.H. Linde, S. Combrinck, T.J.C. Regnier, S. Virijevic

Ethnobotany, leaf anatomy, essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Pteronia onobromoides (Asteraceae)
I.M. Hulley, A.M. Viljoen, P.M. Tilney, S.F. Van Vuuren, G.P.P. Kamatou, B.-E. Van Wyk

Flower colours and pigments in Disa hybrid (Orchidaceae)
F. Tatsuzawa, K. Ichihara, K. Shinoda, K. Miyoshi

OIsolation of anti-Candida albicans compounds from Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague (Bignoniaceae)
F. Nchu, M.A. Aderogba, L.K. Mdee, J.N. Eloff

Phenylethanoid glycosides from Lippia javanica
D.K. Olivier, E.A. Shikanga, S. Combrinck, R.W.M. Krause, T. Regnier, T.P. Dlamini

Evaluation of several tree species for activity against the animal fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus
M.M. Suleiman, L.J. McGaw, V. Naidoo, J.N. Eloff

Distribution, quantitative morphological variation and preliminary molecular analysis of different growth forms of wild rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) in the northern Cederberg and on the Bokkeveld Plateau
R.R. Malgas, A.J. Potts, N.M. Oettlé, B. Koelle, S.W. Todd, G.A. Verboom, M.T. Hoffman

Antimalarial compounds from Schefflera umbellifera
X.S. Mthembu, F.R. Van Heerden, G. Fouché

A revision of the genus Bolusia (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae)
B.-E. Van Wyk, M. Venter, J.S. Boatwright

Ca2+ significantly enhanced development and salt-secretion rate of salt glands of Limonium bicolor under NaCl treatment
F. Ding, M. Chen, N. Sui, B.-S. Wang

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in South Africa
C.J. Straker, A.J. Hilditch, M.E.C. Rey

Production of reactive oxygen species in excised, desiccated and cryopreserved explants of Trichilia dregeana Sond
C. Whitaker, R.P. Beckett, F.V. Minibayeva, I. Kranner

High performance thin layer chromatography as a method to authenticate Hoodia gordonii raw material and products
I. Vermaak, J.H. Hamman, A.M. Viljoen

Antimycobacterial, antibacterial and antifungal activities of Terminalia superba (Combretaceae)
V. Kuete, T.K. Tabopda, B. Ngameni, F. Nana, T.E. Tshikalange, B.T. Ngadjui

In vitro cytotoxic and mutagenic evaluation of thirteen commercial herbal mixtures sold in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
A.R. Ndhlala, R. Anthonissen, G.I. Stafford, J.F. Finnie, L. Verschaeve, J. Van Staden

Annesorhiza calcicola (Apiaceae), a new limestone endemic species from the Western Cape Province of South Africa
A.R. Magee, J.C. Manning

A rare new species of Polhillia (Genisteae, Fabaceae)
J.S. Boatwright

Rare sesquiterpenes from South African Pteronia species
A.M. Viljoen, G.P.P. Kamatou, Z.H. Coovadia, T. Özek, K.H.C. Başer

A new species of Polemanniopsis (Apiaceae) from Namibia
B-E. Van Wyk, A. Burke, C. Mannheimer, A.R. Magee, P.M. Tilney, A.S. Rossouw

In vitro regeneration of adult Pinus sylvestris L. trees
N. De Diego, I.A. Montalbán, P. Moncaleán

RNA Interference, Methods for Plants and Animals. Principles and Protocols Series .T. Doran and C. Helliwell, Editors, CABI, Wallingford, UK (2008) Price: $80.00, 320 pages, ISBN: 978 1 84593 410 1, E-mail:
Ervin Balázs



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