
piątek, 8 października 2010

South African Journal of Botany - 75 (3), 2009

Contents [Volume 75, Issue 3, 2009]:

Morphology and taxonomy of Baseonema and Batesanthus (Apocynaceae: Periplocoideae)
H.J.T. Venter, R.L. Verhoeven

Morphology and taxonomy of Mondia (Apocynaceae: Periplocoideae)
H.J.T. Venter, R.L. Verhoeven, P.V. Bruyns

Differential response of growth, photosynthesis, antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation to UV-B radiation in three cyanobacteria
M. Zeeshan, S.M. Prasad

Mortality and utilisation of Sclerocarya birrea subsp. Caffra between 2001 and 2008 in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
C.V. Helm, E.T.F. Witkowski, L. Kruger, M. Hofmeyr, N. Owen-Smith

Evaluating the invasiveness of Acacia paradoxa in South Africa
R.D. Zenni, J.R.U. Wilson, J.J. Le Roux, D.M. Richardson

Euphorbia otjingandu (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Kaokoveld, Namibia
W. Swanepoel

Interaction between the non-volatile and volatile fractions on the antimicrobial activity of Tarchonanthus camphoratus
S.F. Van Vuuren, A.M. Viljoen

Community structure of a southern Chihuahuan Desert grassland under different grazing pressures
R.I. Yeaton, J.L. Flores Flores

Quantification of leaf gas exchange characteristics of dominant C3/C4 plants at the Kalahari transect
M. Yu, Q. Gao, H.E. Epstein, P. Dowty

The effect of ploughing and augmenting natural vegetation with commercial fynbos species on the biodiversity of Overberg Sandstone fynbos on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa
L. Joubert, K.J. Esler, S.D.J. Privett

The rediscovery of Schizostephanus gossweileri and its phylogenetic position
P.V. Bruyns, C. Klak

Dormancy and germination characteristics of the trimorphic achenes of Garhadiolus papposus (Asteraceae), an annual ephemeral from the Junggar Desert, China
H.Z. Sun, J.J. Lu, D.Y. Tan, J.M. Baskin, C.C. Baskin

The generic concept of Lebeckia (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae): Reinstatement of the genus Calobota and the new genus Wiborgiella
J.S. Boatwright, P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk

Nomenclature correction in Parquetina (Apocynaceae: Periplocoideae)
H.J.T. Venter

Nuclear and chloroplast DNA-based phylogenies of Chrysanthemoides Tourn. ex Medik. (Calenduleae; Asteraceae) reveal extensive incongruence and generic paraphyly, but support the recognition of infraspecific taxa in C. monilifera
N.P. Barker, S. Howis, B. Nordenstam, M. Källersjö, P. Eldenäs, C. Griffioen, H.P. Linder

Local benefits of retaining natural vegetation for soil retention and hydrological services
P.J. O'Farrell, J.S. Donaldson, M.T Hoffman

Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and genotoxicity activity of Alepidea amatymbica and Alepidea natalensis (Apiaceae)
R.B. Mulaudzi, A.R. Ndhlala, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Typification of Zaluzianskya villosa F.W. Schmidt (Scrophulariaceae–Manuleae)
J. Kirschner

Sex-ratio variation in the gynodioecious shrub Gnidia wikstroemiana (Thymelaeaceae)
F.R. Smith

The effect of simulated gastrointestinal conditions on the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of indigenous South African plant extracts
I. Vermaak, A.M. Viljoen, J.H. Hamman, S.F. Van Vuuren

Diaspore capitula in Hirpicium supports close evolutionary relationship to Gorteria (Asteraceae–Arctotideae)
F.K. Stangberg

Sexual and vegetative regeneration of three leguminous tree species in South African savannas
H.C. Munkert

Effect of cadmium uptake and accumulation on growth and antibacterial activity of Merwilla plumbea — An extensively used medicinal plant in South Africa
R.A. Street, M.G. Kulkarni, W.A. Stirk, C. Southway, H.S. Abdillahi, M. Chinsamy, J. Van Staden

Book reviews

Concise Handbook of Psychoactive Herbs. Medicinal Herbs for Treating Psychological and Neurological Problems, Marcello Spinella (2005) The Haworth Information Press and the Haworth Reference Press (Imprints of The Haworth Press, Inc.), Price: $ 34.95 Paperback, 288 pages, referenced and indexed, ISBN: 0-7890-1858-6, Website:
Gary I. Stafford

Understanding Medicinal Plants: Their Chemistry and Therapeutic Action, Bryan A. Hanson, 2005, Haworth Herbal Press, New York, Price: $ 44.95 Soft cover, 307 pages, A5 size, referenced and indexed, ISBN 0-7890-1552-8, Website:
Gary I. Stafford

Orchid Biotechnology, Wen-Huei Chen and Hong-Hwa Chen (Eds), 2007, World Scientific Publishing Co. (Pty) Ltd., 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore, Price: US$ 76.00, 258 pages, ISBN 978-981-270-619-5, Website:
Jeffrey F. Finnie

Mycorrhizae: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Z.A. Siddiqui, M.S. Akhtar, K. Futai (Eds.), 2008, Springer, Price: $219.00, Hard Cover, 359 pages, ISBN 978-1-4020-8769-1, Website:
Marnie E. Light

D.S. Ingram, D. Vince-Prue and P.J. Gregory, Editors ((2nd Edition)), Science and the Garden: The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK (2008) Price: L24.99, Soft Cover, 350 pages, ISBN 978-1-4051-6063-6, Website:
Marnie E. Light

Medicinal Plants of South Africa (2nd Edition), Ben-Erik Van Wyk, Bosch Van Oudtshoorn and Nigel Gericke (Eds), 2009, Briza Publications, PO Box 56569, Arcadia 0007, Pretoria, South Africa, Price: R329,00 Hard cover, 336 pages including more than 150 photographs, ISBN 978-1-875093-37-3, E-mail:, Website:
J. Van Staden


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