
środa, 6 października 2010

South African Journal of Botany - 75 (1), 2009

Contents [Volume 75, Issue 1, 2009]:

Editorial Board

Smoke-derived butenolide: Towards understanding its biological effects
M.E. Light, M.I. Daws, J. Van Staden

Leaf tensile properties of resurrection plants differ among species in their response to drying
N. Hedderson, R.A. Balsamo, K. Cooper, J.M. Farrant

Development of a rapid, highly efficient system of organogenesis in cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp
S. Raveendar, A. Premkumar, S. Sasikumar, S. Ignacimuthu, P. Agastian

Satyrium situsanguinum (Orchidaceae): A new species from the Western Cape, South Africa
T. Van der Niet, W.R. Liltved, E.G.H. Oliver

Genetic differentiation in Oxalis (Oxalidaceae): A tale of rarity and abundance in the Cape Floristic Region
J. Zietsman, L.L. Dreyer, B. Jansen Van Vuuren

Physiological responses of three maize cultivars to drought stress and recovery
B. Efeoglu, Y. Ekmekçi, N. Çiçek

Structural description of two Isoberlinia dominated vegetation types in the Wari–Maro Forest Reserve (Benin)
R. Glele Kakai, B. Sinsin

Leaf anatomical characteristics of Ugandan species of Festuca L. (Poaceae)
M. Namaganda, T. Krekling, K.A. Lye

Antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of Burchellia bubalina
S.O. Amoo, A.R. Ndhlala, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Lichtensteinia (Apiaceae) based on morphological, anatomical and DNA sequence data
P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk, S.R. Downie, C.I. Calvino

A revision of Lebeckia sect. Lebeckia: The L. pauciflora and L. wrightii groups (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae)
M.M. le Roux, B-E. van Wyk

Elicitation of 7-methyljuglone in Drosera capensis
S.M. Ziaratnia, K.J. Kunert, N. Lall

Impatiens msisimwanensis (Balsaminaceae): Description, pollen morphology and phylogenetic position of a new East African species
S.B. Janssens, E.B. Knox, S. Dessein, E.F. Smets

Oxalis saltusbelli: A new Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) species from the Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve, Nieuwoudtville, South Africa
L.L. Dreyer, F. Roets, K.C. Oberlander

The effect of medium, carbon source and explant on regeneration and control of shoot-tip necrosis in Harpagophytum procumbens
N. Jain, M.W. Bairu, W.A. Stirk, J. Van Staden

Solving the problem of shoot-tip necrosis in Harpagophytum procumbens by changing the cytokinin types, calcium and boron concentrations in the medium
M.W. Bairu, N. Jain, W.A. Stirk, K. Doležal, J. Van Staden

Ultrastructure of pericarp and seed capsule cells in the developing walnut (Juglans regia L.) fruit
G.L. Wu, Q.L. Liu, J.A. Teixeira da Silva

Effect of low oxygen, temperature and 1-methylcyclopropene on the expression of genes regulating ethylene biosynthesis and perception during ripening in apple
M.H. Asif, N. Pathak, T. Solomos, P.K. Trivedi

Two new species of Euryops (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) from the Sneeuberg, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
B. Nordenstam, V.R. Clark, N. Devos, N.P. Barker

A taxonomic revision of the genus Pentatrichia (Asteraceae)
E.S. Klaassen, E.G. Kwembeya, E. Maass

Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa 42: Pseudo-vivipary in South African Cyperaceae
K.D. Gordon-Gray, H. Baijnath, C.J. Ward, P.D. Wragg

Release from soil pathogens plays an important role in the success of invasive Carpobrotus in the Mediterranean
R.H.A. Van Grunsven, F. Bos, B.S. Ripley, C.M. Suehs, E.M. Veenendaal

Antiplasmodial and cytotoxic activity of isolated sesquiterpene lactones from the acetone leaf extract of Vernonia colorata
J.C. Chukwujekwu, C.A. Lategan, P.J. Smith, F.R. Van Heerden, J. Van Staden

Plant Names: A Guide to Botanical Nomenclature (3rd edition), 2007, R. Spencer., R. Cross and P. Lumley, CABI Publishing Oxfordshire, UK, Price: L17.05, Soft cover, 162 pages including colour photographs, Website:
John C. Manning

V.H. Heywood, R.K. Brummitt, A. Culhan and O. Seberg , Flowering Plant Families of the World, Kew Publishing (2007) Price: L27.95 Hard cover; 424 pages; ISBN 13: 978-1-84246-165-5 / ISBN 10: 1-84246-165-6; Website:
Trevor J. Edwards

Guide to Garden Succulents, Gideon Smith and Ben-Erik Van Wyk, Briza Publications, Pretoria South Africa(2008), Price: R249.95 (VAT inclusive), Hard cover with 320 pages and more than 500 colour photographs, ISBN: 978 1 875093 67 0, Email: , Website:
Rogan Roth



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