
środa, 27 października 2010

Nordic Journal of Botany - 27 (6), 2009

Contents [Volume 27, Issue 6, 2009]

Neotropical Vascular Plant Taxonomy

Adenocalymmacalcareum sp. nov. (Bignoniaceae) from Brazilian Amazonia and a key to the Amazonian species of the genus
Renata Giassi Udulutsch, Marco Antonio de Assis and Pedro Dias

The identity and typification of Stylogyne laxiflora (Myrsinaceae)
Tatiana Tavares Carrijo, Maria De Fátima Freitas and Ariane Luna Peixoto

African Vascular Plant Taxonomy

Mussaenda epiphytica sp. nov. (Rubiaceae), an epiphytic shrub from cloud forest of the Bakossi Mts, western Cameroon
Martin Cheek

Asiatic Vascular Plant Taxonomy

Cephalanthera exigua rediscovered: new insights in the taxonomy, habitat requirements and breeding system of a rare mycoheterotrophic orchid
Henrik A. Pedersen, Santi Watthana, Mélanie Roy, Somran Suddee and Marc-André Selosse

Microtropis shenzhenensis sp. nov. (Celastraceae) from Guangdong, China
Lin Chen, Fa-Guo Wang, Jin-Song Zhou and Fu-Wu Xing

Epimedium jingzhouense sp. nov. (Berberidaceae) from Hunan, China
Guo-Hua Xia and Gen-You Li

Impatiens nanlingensis sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae) from Guangdong, China
An-Qiang Dong, Lin Chen and Fu-Wu Xing

Valid publication of the name Atalantia acuminata (Rutaceae), endemic to southwestern China and northern Vietnam
Nan Jiang, Wen-Bin Yu and Kai-Yun Guan

Mediterranean Vascular Plant Taxonomy

Rhaponticoidesaytachii sp. nov. (Asteraceae) from south Anatolia, Turkey
Süleyman Dogu, Yavuz Bagci and Muhittin Dinç

Conservation Biology

Land use history and site location are more important for grassland species richness than local soil properties
Sara A. O. Cousins, Regina Lindborg and Sofia Mattsson


Ploidy level analysis of apomictic Hieracium (Asteraceae) reveal unexpected patterns and variation
Torbjörn Tyler and Jane Jönsson

A karyotypic study on Silene sect. Sclerocalycinae in Turkey
Kemal Yildiz, Ersin Minareci and Ali Çirpici


Evaluation of pollen morphology as a taxonomic character for generic delimitation in Scilla s.l. (Hyacinthaceae)
E. Ghavami, Z. Jamzad and A. Tavasoli


Effect of nutrients and light intensity on growth of Mallomonascaudata (Synurophyceae)
Jin Hee Kim, Kyung Lak Lee and Han Soon Kim

Plant–Soil Interactions

Coastal heath vegetation in central Norway
Liv S. Nilsen and Asbjorn Moen

Allometry of Salsola collina in response to soil nutrients, water supply and population density
Yingxin Huang, Xueyong Zhao, Daowei Zhou, Halin Zhao, Hongxiang Zhang, Xiaoan Zuo and Wei Mao

Special Invited Paper

Evolution, phylogeography and taxonomy of allopolyploid Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) and its implications for conservation
Sofie Nordström and Mikael Hedrén

Book review



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