
sobota, 16 października 2010

Castanea - 74 (3), 2009

Contents [Volume 74, Issue 3, Oct 2009]:

2009 Elizabeth Ann Bartholomew Award Recipient—Charlie Williams
Michael J. Baranski and Claudia L. Jolls

The Elizabeth Ann Bartholomew Award

2009 Richard and Minnie Windler Award Recipient—Michael Woods

Them's the Brakes: the Past and Future of North American Bamboo
Scott B. Franklin

Towards a Stable Nomenclature for the North American Temperate Bamboos: Epitypification of Arundo gigantea Walt. and Arundinaria macrosperma Michx. (Poaceae)
Jimmy K. Triplett and Lynn G. Clark

Clonal Diversity of Arundinaria gigantea (Poaceae; Bambusoideae) in Western North Carolina and its Relationship to Sexual Reproduction: An Assessment Using AFLP Fingerprints
Katherine G. Mathews, Joseph Huguelet, Max Lanning, Terryol Wilson, and Robert S. Young

Nutrient and Physical Soil Characteristics of River Cane Stands, Western North Carolina
Adam D. Griffith, David A. Kinner, Benjamin R. Tanner, Andrew Moore, Katherine G. Mathews, and Robert S. Young

Effect of Light Intensity on Arundinaria gigantea Growth and Physiology
Margaret C. Cirtain, Scott B. Franklin, and S. Reza Pezeshki

Native Bamboo [Arundinaria gigantea (Walter) Muhl., Poaceae] Establishment and Growth after the Removal of an Invasive Non-Native Shrub (Ligustrum sinense Lour., Oleaceae): Implications for Restoration
Michael J. Osland, James W. Pahl, and Curtis J. Richardson

Ground Water Nitrogen Dynamics in Giant Cane and Forest Riparian Buffers
Christopher R. Blattel, Karl W. J. Williard, Sara G. Baer, Jon E. Schoonover, and James J. Zaczek

Native American Ethnobotany of Cane (Arundinaria spp.) in the Southeastern United States: A Review
Steven G. Platt, Christopher G. Brantley, and Thomas R. Rainwater

Survival and Genet Growth and Development of Field-Planted Giant Cane (Arundinaria gigantea) over Time in Southern Illinois
J. J. Zaczek, S. G. Baer, J. L. Hartleb, W. W. Brendecke, J. E. Schoonover, K. W. J. Williard, and J. W. Groninger

Propagation Methods for Rivercane [Arundinaria gigantea L. (Walter) Muhl.]
Brian S. Baldwin, Margaret Cirtain, D. Scott Horton, John Ouellette, Scott B. Franklin, and John E. Preece

Southern Appalachian Botanical Society Officers, Council Members, Editors, and Editorial Board 2009–2010

Southern Appalachian Botanical Society Committees and Official Representatives of the Society 2009–2010

Common Freshwater Algae of the United States — An Illustrated Key to the Genera (Excluding the Diatoms), 2nd edition
Robin Matthews Director



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