
wtorek, 26 października 2010

Bangladesh Journal of Botany - 37 (1), 2008

Contents [Volume 37, Number 1, 2008]:


Comparison of agronomic characters of Festulolium, Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium multiflorum Lam. genotypes under high elevation conditions in Turkey
Ilknur Akgun, Metin Tosun, Suleyman Sengul

Bacteria and actinomycetes growing on floppy and compact discs under ambient conditions
Mahbubar Rahman Khan, Mihir Lal Saha, Sanjida Binte Zuha

Scanning electron microscopy of floral initiation and developmental stages in Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) under water deficits
Hakan Engin

Influence of seed ageing on growth and yield of soybean
Rina Rani Saha, Wahida Sultana

Relationships between seed yield and yield components in narbon bean (Vicia narbonensis L.) by path analysis
Mevlüt Türk, Necmettin Çelik, Gamze Bayram, Emine Budakli

Pollen morphology of some Turkish Campanula spp. and their taxonomic value
Ismuhan Potoglu Erkara, Atila Ocak, Sevil Pehlivan

Algal flora of Madhabkunda waterfall area in Maulvi Bazar, Bangladesh. III. New records of blue-greens and greens
Abdul Aziz

Distribution of blue-green algae in soils of Chittagong University campus and their nitrogen fixing capacity
MA Gafur, Soltana Parvin

New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 7. Phacus spp.
Moniruzzaman Khondker, Rauf Ahmed Bhuiyan, Jenat Yeasmin, Munirul Alam, R Bradley Sack, Anwar Huq, Rita R Colwell

Lichen flora in Chandra sal forest: Occurrence, distribution and abundance
Nuhu Alam, MA Gafur

Morphology, anatomy, ecology and palynology of two Centaurea species from Turkey
Sezgin Celik, Ismet Uysal, Yusuf Menemen

Disease reaction of different crops against virulent potato isolates of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn
Md Maniruzzaman Khandaker, Abul Khair, Md Khurshed Alam Bhuiyan

Short Communications

Aromatic plants of Bangladesh : Essential oils of leaves and fruits of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson
Jasim Uddin Chowdhury, Md Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan, Nemai Chandra Nandi

Effects of some angiospermic plant extracts on in vitro vegetative growth of Fusarium moniliforme
M Yasmin, KS Hossain, MA Bashar

Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Eupatorium triplinerve Vehl. against some human pathogenic bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi
Md Shafiqur Rahman, Mohammad Junaid

Glandular and eglandular hairs of Salvia recognita Fisch. & Mey. (Lamiaceae) in Turkey
Mustafa Özkan


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