
piątek, 10 września 2010

Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (1), 2010

Spis treści:
(Volume 61, Number 1, 7 January 2010 )

JXB celebrating our diamond anniversary
Roberts, Jerry

Grain-filling problem in super rice
Yang, Jianchang; Zhang, Jianhua

The carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae): a system inflates
Albert, Victor A.; Jobson, Richard W.; Michael, Todd P.; Taylor, Derek J.

Phytochrome functions in Arabidopsis development
Franklin, Keara A.; Quail, Peter H.

The AMI1 gene family: indole-3-acetamide hydrolase functions in auxin biosynthesis in plants
Mano, Yoshihiro; Nemoto, Keiichirou; Suzuki, Masashi; Seki, Hikaru; Fujii, Isao; Muranaka, Toshiya

Isolation and functional characterization of a lycopene -cyclase gene that controls fruit colour of papaya (Carica papaya L.)
Devitt, Luke C.; Fanning, Kent; Dietzgen, Ralf G.; Holton, Timothy A.

Three cotton genes preferentially expressed in flower tissues encode actin-depolymerizing factors which are involved in F-actin dynamics in cells
Li, Xue-Bao; Xu, Dan; Wang, Xiu-Lan; Huang, Geng-Qing; Luo, Juan; Li, Deng-Di; Zhang, Ze-Ting; Xu, Wen-Liang

A mutation in amino acid permease AAP6 reduces the amino acid content of the Arabidopsis sieve elements but leaves aphid herbivores unaffected
Hunt, Emma; Gattolin, Stefano; Newbury, H. John; Bale, Jeffrey S.; Tseng, Hua-Ming; Barrett, David A.; Pritchard, Jeremy

Putative Vitis vinifera Rop- and Rab-GAP-, GEF-, and GDI-interacting proteins uncovered with novel methods for public genomic and EST database analysis
Abbal, Philippe; Tesniere, Catherine

Functional characterization of B class MADS-box transcription factors in Gerbera hybrida
Broholm, Suvi K.; Pllnen, Eija; Ruokolainen, Satu; Thtiharju, Sari; Kotilainen, Mika; Albert, Victor A.; Elomaa, Paula; Teeri, Teemu H.

Function of antioxidant enzymes and metabolites during maturation of pea fruits
Matamoros, Manuel A.; Loscos, Jorge; Dietz, Karl-Josef; Aparicio-Tejo, Pedro M.; Becana, Manuel

Utricularia carnivory revisited: plants supply photosynthetic carbon to traps
Sirov, Dagmara; Borovec, Jakub; antrkov, Hana; antrek, Ji; Vrba, Jaroslav; Adamec, Lubomr

The expression of a chromoplast-specific lycopene beta cyclase gene is involved in the high production of saffron's apocarotenoid precursors
Ahrazem, Oussama; Rubio-Moraga, Angela; Lpez, Raquel Castillo; Gmez-Gmez, Lourdes

Elevated CO2 concentration around alfalfa nodules increases N2 fixation
Fischinger, Stephanie A.; Hristozkova, Marieta; Mainassara, Zaman-Allah; Schulze, Joachim

The constitutive expression of Arabidopsis plasmodesmal-associated class 1 reversibly glycosylated polypeptide impairs plant development and virus spread
Zavaliev, Raul; Sagi, Guy; Gera, Abed; Epel, Bernard L.

Physiological and proteomic approaches to address heat tolerance during anthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Jagadish, S. V. K.; Muthurajan, R.; Oane, R.; Wheeler, T. R.; Heuer, S; Bennett, J.; Craufurd, P. Q.

K+ deprivation induces xylem water and K+ transport in sunflower: evidence for a co-ordinated control
Benlloch-Gonzlez, Mara; Fournier, Jos Mara; Benlloch, Manuel

Hypoxia-responsive microRNAs and trans-acting small interfering RNAs in Arabidopsis
Moldovan, Dov; Spriggs, Andrew; Yang, Jun; Pogson, Barry J.; Dennis, Elizabeth S.; Wilson, Iain W.

Ethylene signal transduction elements involved in chilling injury in non-climacteric loquat fruit
Wang, Ping; Zhang, Bo; Li, Xian; Xu, Changjie; Yin, Xueren; Shan, Lanlan; Ferguson, Ian; Chen, Kunsong

Physiological and molecular changes in Oryza meridionalis Ng., a heat-tolerant species of wild rice
Scafaro, Andrew P.; Haynes, Paul A.; Atwell, Brian J.

Height-related trends in stomatal sensitivity to leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit in a tall conifer
Woodruff, D. R.; Meinzer, F. C.; McCulloh, K. A.

Mild salinity stimulates a stress-induced morphogenic response in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Zolla, Gaston; Heimer, Yair M.; Barak, Simon

How does sulphur availability modify N acquisition of white clover (Trifolium repens L.)?
Varin, Sbastien; Cliquet, Jean-Bernard; Personeni, Emmanuelle; Avice, Jean-Christophe; Lemauviel-Lavenant, Servane

A nematode effector protein similar to annexins in host plants
Patel, Nrupali; Hamamouch, Noureddine; Li, Chunying; Hewezi, Tarek; Hussey, Richard S.; Baum, Thomas J.; Mitchum, Melissa G.; Davis, Eric L.

Pseudomonas spp.-induced systemic resistance to Botrytis cinerea is associated with induction and priming of defence responses in grapevine
Verhagen, Bas W. M.; Trotel-Aziz, Patricia; Couderchet, Michel; Hfte, Monica; Aziz, Aziz

Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional activator in Arabidopsis delays leaf senescence and extends plant longevity
Sharabi-Schwager, Michal; Lers, Amnon; Samach, Alon; Guy, Charles L.; Porat, Ron

The effects of sap ionic composition on xylem vulnerability to cavitation
Cochard, Herv; Herbette, Stphane; Hernndez, Encarni; Hltt, Teemu; Mencuccini, Maurizio

Developmental and molecular physiological evidence for the role of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in rapid cotton fibre elongation
Li, Xiao-Rong; Wang, Lu; Ruan, Yong-Ling

Ectopic expression of PtaRHE1, encoding a poplar RING-H2 protein with E3 ligase activity, alters plant development and induces defence-related responses
Mukoko Bopopi, Johnny; Vandeputte, Olivier M.; Himanen, Kristiina; Mol, Adeline; Vaessen, Quentin; El Jaziri, Mondher; Baucher, Marie


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