
poniedziałek, 9 sierpnia 2010

Journal of Vegetation Science - 2009, 20 (5)

Spis treści (Volume 20 Issue 5 , październik 2009):

Disentangling complex fine-scale ecological patterns by path modelling using GLMM and GIS
Vegar Bakkestuen, Rune Halvorsen, Einar Heegaard

Seedling regeneration, environment and management in a semi-deciduous African tropical rain forest
Edward N. Mwavu, Edward T.F. Witkowski

Variations in mountain vegetation use by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) affects dry heath but not grass heath
Jon Moen, Coen Boogerd, Anna Skarin

Vegetation patterns at the alpine treeline ecotone: the influence of tree cover on abrupt change in species composition of alpine communities
E. Batllori, J.M. Blanco-Moreno, J.M. Ninot, E. Gutiérrez, E. Carrillo

Linking woody species diversity with plant available water at a landscape scale in a Brazilian savanna
Joice N. Ferreira, Mercedes M. da C. Bustamante, Eric A. Davidson

Community-level consequences of species interactions in an annual plant community
Tara K. Rajaniemi, Roy Turkington, Deborah Goldberg

Habitat degradation, topography and rainfall variability interact to determine seed distribution and recruitment in a sand dune grassland
Feng-Rui Li, Li-Ya Zhao, Hua Zhang, Ji-Liang Liu, Hai-Yan Lu, Ling-Fen Kang

Plant responsiveness to variation in precipitation and nitrogen is consistent across the compositional diversity of a California annual grassland
Samuel B. St. Clair, Erika A. Sudderth, Cristina Castanha, Margaret S. Torn, David D. Ackerly

Fire and regeneration: the role of seed banks in the dynamics of northern heathlands
Inger E. Maren, Vigdis Vandvik

Pioneer vegetation on glacier forelands in southern Norway: emerging communities?
Jane A. Robbins, John A. Matthews

Predictors of plant phenology in a diverse high-latitude alpine landscape: growth forms and topography
Marianne Iversen, Kari Anne Brathen, Nigel G. Yoccoz, Rolf A. Ims

Spatial patterns of association at local and regional scales in coastal sand dune communities
Estelle Forey, Christopher J. Lortie, Richard Michalet

Protégé Ziziphus mucronata (Rhamnaceae) show no negative effects of competition with the nurse tree Acacia (Leguminaceae), even as adults
Colleen L. Seymour

Taxonomic diversity as complementary information to assess plant species diversity in secondary vegetation and primary tropical deciduous forest
Claudia E. Moreno, Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, José R. Verdú

Variations in resistance to canopy disturbances and their interactions with the spatial structure of major species in a cool-temperate forest
Takeshi Torimaru, Naoyuki Nishimura, Kiyoshi Matsui, Toshihiko Hara, Shin-Ichi Yamamoto

Causes of plant community divergence in the early stages of volcanic succession
Shiro Tsuyuzaki

Brad Butterfield School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA.

Heather L. Throop. Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA. By Laurenroth, W.K. and Burke I.C. (eds.)


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