
piątek, 6 sierpnia 2010

Bradleya - 2010

Spis treści (contents)tomu 28:

* Notes on Borzicactus in northern Peru (Graham Charles)

* Lizards on Aeonium lancerottense in Lanzarote, Canary Islands: a new example of pollination by reptiles? (E. Charles Nelson)

* Two new caulescent species of Sansevieria (Asparagaceae) in Kenya (Leonard E. Newton)

* Three species accepted in Chortolirion Berger (Xanthorrhoeaceae: Asphodeloideae) (Ben J.M. Zonneveld and Georg P.J. Fritz)

* A first record of a South African aloe, Aloe spectabilis, becoming naturalized elsewhere in the country (R.R Klopper. P.C. Zietsman, P. J. du Preez and G. F. Smith)

* Variation in flowers in Cephalophyllum curtophyllum (Aizoaceae) (H.E.K Hartmann)

* Notes on Agave palmeri Engelm. (Agavaceae) and its allies in the Ditepalae (Ronell R. Klopper, Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo and Neil R. Crouch)

* Desmidorchis impostor spec. nov. (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae; Ceropegieae), a not-so-new, new stapeliad from northern Oman (H A. Jonkers)

* What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species Estrela (Figueiredo and Gideon F. Smith)

* Aloe nicholsii Gideon F.Sm. & N.R.Crouch (Asphodelaceae): a new leptoaloe from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Gideon F. Smith and Neil R. Crouch)

* Epitypes for two archetypal stapeliads: Stapelia hirsuta and S. (Orbea ) variegata (Gordon D. Rowley)

* Lectotypification of Portulaca grandiflora var. grandiflora (Gordon D. Rowley)

* Gilbert Westacott Reynolds: his study of Aloe and a bibliography of his work (Colin C. Walker)

* An up-to-date familial and suprafamilial classification of succulent plants (Reto Nyffeler and Urs Eggli)


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