
sobota, 17 lipca 2010

The Plant Journal (Volume 61, number 1 & 2)

Spis treści Vol. 61, Number 1, January 2010:


Genetic dissection of the role of ethylene in regulating auxin-dependent lateral and adventitious root formation in tomato

Phosphorylation of the Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPto is required for FLS2/BAK1-independent virulence activity and recognition by tobacco

Closely related receptor complexes differ in their ABA selectivity and sensitivity

Mutation in the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase?? influences transcriptional gene silencing and homologous recombination in Arabidopsis

Role of hydroperoxide lyase in white-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horváth)-induced resistance to bacterial blight in rice, Oryza sativa L.

A grapevine Shaker inward K+ channel activated by the calcineurin B-like calcium sensor 1-protein kinase CIPK23 network is expressed in grape berries under drought stress conditions

Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

Ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by ERECTA

Inactivation of the CTD phosphatase-like gene OsCPL1 enhances the development of the abscission layer and seed shattering in rice

Retromer recycles vacuolar sorting receptors from the trans-Golgi network

C4 acid decarboxylases required for C4 photosynthesis are active in the mid-vein of the C3 species Arabidopsis thaliana, and are important in sugar and amino acid metabolism

Characterization of SUN-domain proteins at the higher plant nuclear envelope

A petunia chorismate mutase specialized for the production of floral volatiles

Quantification and cluster analysis of actin cytoskeletal structures in plant cells: role of actin bundling in stomatal movement during diurnal cycles in Arabidopsis guard cells

Probing differentially expressed genes against a microarray database for in silico suppressor/enhancer and inhibitor/activator screens

Heritable targeted mutagenesis in maize using a designed endonuclease

Correction (a)

Correction (b)

Spis treści Vol. 61, Number 2, January 2010:

Tissue layer specific regulation of leaf length and width in Arabidopsis as revealed by the cell autonomous action of ANGUSTIFOLIA

Arabidopsis thaliana class-II TGA transcription factors are essential activators of jasmonic acid/ethylene-induced defense responses

CBL-mediated targeting of CIPKs facilitates the decoding of calcium signals emanating from distinct cellular stores

Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORYNE in Arabidopsis

Arabidopsis MPK6 is involved in cell division plane control during early root development, and localizes to the pre-prophase band, phragmoplast, trans-Golgi network and plasma membrane

A protein phosphatase 2C, responsive to the bacterial effector AvrRpm1 but not to the AvrB effector, regulates defense responses in Arabidopsis

Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast TREX-2 mRNA export complex: components and anchoring nucleoporin

Arabidopsis thaliana plastidial methionine sulfoxide reductases B, MSRBs, account for most leaf peptide MSR activity and are essential for growth under environmental constraints through a role in the preservation of photosystem antennae

Arabidopsis plants lacking PsbS protein possess photoprotective energy dissipation

PYR/PYL/RCAR family members are major in-vivo ABI1 protein phosphatase 2C-interacting proteins in Arabidopsis

SlCCD7 controls strigolactone biosynthesis, shoot branching and mycorrhiza-induced apocarotenoid formation in tomato

The Dof protein DAG1 mediates PIL5 activity on seed germination by negatively regulating GA biosynthetic gene AtGA3ox1

Sucrose non-fermenting kinase 1 (SnRK1) coordinates metabolic and hormonal signals during pea cotyledon growth and differentiation

The pentatricopeptide repeat protein OTP82 is required for RNA editing of plastid ndhB and ndhG transcripts

The 2-oxoglutarate/malate translocator mediates amino acid and storage protein biosynthesis in pea embryos

Transformation of the flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini: selection via silencing of an avirulence gene


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