
środa, 28 lipca 2010

Journal of Vegetation Science - Volume 20 (1)

Volume 20 Issue 1 , (Luty 2009)

Twentieth year of the Journal of Vegetation Science: the journal for all vegetation scientists
J. Bastow Wilson, Alessandro Chiarucci, Sandra Díaz, Meelis Pärtel

Extinction debt in fragmented grasslands: paid or not?
Sara A.O. Cousins

Seed size and response to rainfall patterns in annual grasslands: 16 years of permanent plot data
B. Peco, L. Rico, F.M Azcárate

Scaling hierarchy of factors controlling riparian vegetation patterns of the Fynbos Biome at the Western Cape, South Africa
E.J.J. Sieben, L. Mucina, C. Boucher

Positive density dependence in seedlings of the neotropical tree species Garcinia macrophylla and Xylopia micans
Jill T. Anderson

Effects of water regime and habitat continuity on the plant species composition of floodplain forests
Judith Glaeser, Monika Wulf

A functional analysis of large-scale temporal shifts from 1970 to 2000 in weed assemblages of sunflower crops in France
G. Fried, B. Chauvel, X. Reboud

Diversity of dry forest epiphytes along a gradient of human disturbance in the tropical Andes
Florian A. Werner, S. Robbert Gradstein

Gradients within gradients: The mesoscale distribution patterns of palms in a central Amazonian forest
Flávia R.C. Costa, Jean-Louis Guillaumet, Albertina P. Lima, Ocirio S. Pereira

108 years of change in spatial pattern following selective harvest of a Pinus ponderosa stand in northern Arizona, USA
A.J. Sánchez Meador, M.M. Moore, J.D. Bakker, P.F. Parysow

Forest history and the development of old-growth characteristics in fragmented boreal forests
Mari T. Jönsson, Shawn Fraver, Bengt Gunnar Jonsson

Post-fire tree establishment patterns at the alpine treeline ecotone: Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA

Limited effects of above- and belowground insects on community structure and function in a species-rich grassland
Malcolm D. Coupe, J.N. Stacey, James F. Cahill Jr.

Effects of different fidelity measures and contexts on the determination of diagnostic species
Wolfgang Willner, Lubomír Tichý, Milan Chytrý

Contrasting community responses to fertilization and the role of the competitive ability of dominant species
P. Liancourt, F. Viard-Crétat, R. Michalet

Relative climatic, edaphic and management controls of plant functional trait signatures
Robin J. Pakeman, Jan Lepscaron, Michael Kleyer, Sandra Lavorel, Eric Garnier

Evidence from water chemistry as a criterion of ombrotrophy in the mire complexes of Abernethy Forest, Scotland
Michael C.F. Proctor, Heather S. McHaffie, Colin J. Legg, Andy Amphlett

A California grasslands alkali specialist, Hemizonia pungens ssp. pungens, prefers non-alkali soil
Kari E. Veblen, Truman P. Young

Above- and belowground biomass allocation in Tibetan grasslands
Yuanhe Yang, Jingyun Fang, Chengjun Ji, Wenxuan Han


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