
czwartek, 29 lipca 2010

Journal of Vegetation Science - 2009, 20 (2)

Spis treści (Volume 20 Issue 2 ,kwiecień 2009):

Comparison of two plant functional approaches to evaluate natural restoration along an old-field – deciduous forest chronosequence
Isabelle Aubin, Marie-Hélene Ouellette, Pierre Legendre, Christian Messier, André Bouchard

Eurosiberian meadows at their southern edge: patterns and phytogeography in the NW Tien Shan
Viktoria Wagner

Environmental limitation contributes to the differential colonization capacity of two forest herbs
Lander Baeten, Martin Hermy, Kris Verheyen

Plant population and community responses to removal of dominant species in the shortgrass steppe
Seth M. Munson, William K. Lauenroth

A new algorithm for the determination of differential taxa
Ioannis Tsiripidis, Erwin Bergmeier, Georgios Fotiadis, Panayotis Dimopoulos

Biting the hand that feeds: the invasive grass Schismus barbatus (Poaceae) is facilitated by, but reduces establishment of, the native shrub Ambrosia dumosa (Asteraceae)
Susana Rodríguez-Buriticá, Maria N. Miriti

Post-fire shrub recruitment in a semi-arid grassland: the role of microsites
Jorgelina Franzese, Luciana Ghermandi, Bran Donaldo

How do trees die? Mode of death in northern Amazonia
Kuo-Jung Chao, Oliver L. Phillips, Abel Monteagudo, Armando Torres-Lezama, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez

Do changes in rainfall patterns affect semiarid annual plant communities?
Juan de Dios Miranda, F.M. Padilla, R. Lázaro, F.I. Pugnaire

A soil heat and water transfer model to predict belowground grass rhizome bud death in a grass fire
Joanna Choczynska, E. A. Johnson

Air humidity, soil moisture and soil chemistry as determinants of the herb layer composition in European beech forests

Temporal dynamics of marginal steppic vegetation over a 26-year period of substantial environmental change
Silvia Matesanz, Rob W. Brooker, Fernando Valladares, Stefan Klotz

Understorey plant and soil responses to disturbance and increased nitrogen in boreal forests
O.H. Manninen, S. Stark, M.-M. Kytöviita, L. Lampinen, A. Tolvanen
Long-term variation in Amazon forest dynamics
Susan G. W. Laurance, William F. Laurance, Henrique E. M. Nascimento, Ana Andrade, Phillip M. Fearnside, Expedito R. G. Rebello, Richard Condit

Discriminating trait-convergence and trait-divergence assembly patterns in ecological community gradients
Valério D. Pillar, Leandro da S. Duarte, Enio E. Sosinski, Fernando Joner

Sampling soil wood charcoals at a high spatial resolution: a new methodology to investigate the origin of grassland plant communities
Thierry Dutoit, Michel Thinon, Brigitte Talon, Elise Buisson, Didier Alard

The effects of leaf size, leaf habit, and leaf form on leaf/stem relationships in plant twigs of temperate woody species
Dongmei Yang, Guoyong Li, Shucun Sun

Recruitment limitation of forest communities in a degraded Mediterranean landscape
Irene Mendoza, Lorena Gómez-Aparicio, Regino Zamora, Luis Matías


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