
sobota, 3 lipca 2010

Cactus del Extremo Norte de Chile - Pinto, Kirberg (book)

Autorzy/Authors: Raquel Pinto, Arturo Kirberg
Tytuł/Title: Cactus del Extremo Norte de Chile
Język publikacji/Language: hiszpański / spanish
Liczba stron/pages: 250
Rok wydania/Year of publication: 2009
Wymiary/Dimensions: 22 x 22 cm
ISBN-10: 9563197496
ISBN-13: 978-9563197495

"This book is the result of more than 10 years of field investigation in Tarapacá
and Arica/Parinacota regions. 19 cacti species grow at the coastal range,
pre-andean range and highland. The investigation was focused on distribution
and conservation. It includes chapters on seeds, traditional uses,
culture and associated fauna at the different ecosistems."
Raquel Pinto


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