
wtorek, 27 lipca 2010

American Journal of Botany - Volume 97, Issue 7

Spis treści (Volume 97, Issue 7; July 2010):

Letter to the Editor

C. Kevin Boyce and Carol L. Hotton
"Prototaxites was not a taphonomic artifact"

Brief Communication

Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor, Anne-Laure Decombeix, Andrew Schwendemann, Rudolph Serbet, Ignacio Escapa, and Michael Krings
The enigmatic Devonian fossil Prototaxites is not a rolled-up liverwort mat: Comment on the paper by Graham et al. (AJB 97: 268–275)

Linda E. Graham, Martha E. Cook, David T. Hanson, Kathleen B. Pigg, and James M. Graham
Rolled liverwort mats explain major Prototaxites features: Response to commentaries

Anatomy and Morphology

Alana R. Oldham, Stephen C. Sillett, Alexandru M. F. Tomescu, and George W. Koch
The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability, drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy


Janette A. Steets, Naoki Takebayashi, Jeffrey M. Byrnes, and Diana E. Wolf
Heterogeneous selection on trichome production in Alaskan Arabidopsis kamchatica (Brassicaceae)

Sabrina E. Russo, Whitney Logan Cannon, Christian Elowsky, Sylvester Tan, and Stuart J. Davies
Variation in leaf stomatal traits of 28 tree species in relation to gas exchange along an edaphic gradient in a Bornean rain forest

Emily B. Limm and Todd E. Dawson
Polystichum munitum (Dryopteridaceae) varies geographically in its capacity to absorb fog water by foliar uptake within the redwood forest ecosystem

Evolution and Phylogeny

Pablo Duchen and Susanne S. Renner
The evolution of Cayaponia (Cucurbitaceae): Repeated shifts from bat to bee pollination and long-distance dispersal to Africa 2–5 million years ago

Kelly P. Steele, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Shahin Zarre, and Martin F. Wojciechowski
Phylogeny and character evolution in Medicago (Leguminosae): Evidence from analyses of plastid trnK/matK and nuclear GA3ox1 sequences

Yu Ito, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Jin Murata, and Norio Tanaka
Hybridization and polyploidy of an aquatic plant, Ruppia (Ruppiaceae), inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies

Dorothee Tröndle, Stephan Schröder, Hanns-Heinz Kassemeyer, Christiane Kiefer, Marcus A. Koch, and Peter Nick
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Vitis (Vitaceae) based on plastid markers


Emilio Estrada-Ruiz, Hugo I. Martínez-Cabrera, and Sergio R. S. Cevallos-Ferriz
Upper Cretaceous woods from the Olmos Formation (late Campanian–early Maastrichtian), Coahuila, Mexico

Physiology and Biochemistry

Claus Holzapfel, Pouyan Shahrokh, and David Kafkewitz
Polyphenol oxidase activity in the roots of seedlings of Bromus (Poaceae) and other grass genera

Population Biology

Eric J. Fuchs and James. L. Hamrick
Spatial genetic structure within size classes of the endangered tropical tree Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophyllaceae)


Libor Ekrt, Renata Holubová, Pavel Trávnícek, and Jan Suda
Species boundaries and frequency of hybridization in the Dryopteris carthusiana (Dryopteridaceae) complex: A taxonomic puzzle resolved using genome size data

Reproductive Biology

Shi-Xiao Luo, Shu-Miaw Chaw, Dianxiang Zhang, and Susanne S. Renner
Flower heating following anthesis and the evolution of gall midge pollination in Schisandraceae

Systematics and Phytogeography

Jan Kosnar, Jirí Kosnar, Miroslava Herbstová, Petr Macek, Eliska Rejmánková, and Milan Stech
Natural hybridization in tropical spikerushes of Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa (Cyperaceae): Evidence from morphology and DNA markers

AJB Primer Notes & Protocols in the Plant Sciences

Sergio Curro, Marco Caruso, Gaetano Distefano, Alessandra Gentile, and Stefano La Malfa
New microsatellite loci for pomegranate, Punica granatum (Lythraceae)

Xiao-Yi Li, Zheng-Feng Wang, Peng Zhu, Wan-Hui Ye, Xiao-Feng Huang, Lin-Fang Wu, Sheng-Feng Chai, and Hong-Lin Cao
Ten microsatellite markers in endangered species Sauvagesia rhodoleuca (Ochnaceae)

Glyn M. Figueira, Pamela R. Ramelo, Daniela C. Ogasawara, Ilio Montanari, Jr., Maria I. Zucchi, Marcelo M.Cavallari, and Mary A. Foglio
A set of microsatellite markers for Arrabidaea chica (Bignoniaceae), a medicinal liana from the Neotropics

Dirk U. Bellstedt, Michael D. Pirie, J. Christiaan Visser, Margaret J. de Villiers, and Berit Gehrke
A rapid and inexpensive method for the direct PCR amplification of DNA from plants

Ya-Ming Gong, Sheng-Chun Xu, Wei-Hua Mao, Qi-Zan Hu, Gu-Wen Zhang, Ju Ding, and Ze-Yun Li
Generation and characterization of 11 novel est derived microsatellites from Vicia faba (Fabaceae)


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