
sobota, 1 maja 2010

Systematics and Geography of Plants

Wydawcą tego czasopisma jest National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Spis treści Volume 79, Number 2, 2009 :

Systematics and Geography of Plants ending
Robbrecht, Elmar

External reviewers for Systematics and Geography of Plants 77-79

A revision of the genera Brachystephanus and Oreacanthus (Acanthaceae) in tropical Africa
Champluvier, Dominique; Darbyshire, Iain

A historical record of Polysphaeria macrophylla (African Rubiaceae, Octotropideae) from Bioko. With a neotypification of the species
Robbrecht, Elmar

The vascular plant flora of the Republic of Congo: new records
Lachenaud, Olivier

The genus Santiria (Burseraceae) in Africa: redefinition of Santiria trimera
Onana, Jean Michel

Chlorophytum unifolium (Anthericaceae), a new species from Katanga (Dem. Rep. Congo)
Malaisse, F.; Bamps, P.

The orchid amateur Georges Bronckart. A biographical contribution, with five letters (1903-1904) to A. Cogniaux
Billiet, Frieda; Diagre, Denis; Robbrecht, Elmar

A new Humularia (Leguminosae) from Burundi and Tanzania
Bamps, P.

William Mullenders (1913-2009)
Bamps, P.

Validation of a lectotypification in Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae)
Rouhan, Germinal; Cremers, Georges

Les plantes ligneuses du Rwanda - Flore, écologie et usages
Ntore, Salvator

Publication dates of Systematics and Geography of Plants 77-79

Taxonomic novelties appearing in Syst. Geogr. Pl. 79(2)


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