
sobota, 1 maja 2010

New Phytologist

Spis treści numeru Vol. 186, No. 3, 2010:

The war of the worlds

A view from the top: new ligands controlling stomatal development in Arabidopsis

Neighbors affect resistance to herbivory - a new mechanism

Do metabolic fluxes matter for interpreting isotopic respiratory signals?

Do isotopic respiratory signals trace changes in metabolic fluxes?

Compatibility interactions at the cellular level provide the basis for host specificity in the parasitic plant Orobanche

Evolution of development of vascular cambia and secondary growth

Biological stoichiometry of plant production: metabolism, scaling and ecological response to global change

The signalling peptide EPFL9 is a positive regulator of stomatal development

A long antisense RNA in plant chloroplasts

Callose implication in stomatal opening and closure in the fern Asplenium nidus

Effects of fusicoccin on ion fluxes in guard cells

A novel phototropic response to red light is revealed in microgravity

Expression analysis and functional characterization of the monosaccharide transporters, OsTMTs, involving vacuolar sugar transport in rice (Oryza sativa)

Na+/H+ antiporters are differentially regulated in response to NaCl stress in leaves and roots of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

An endoplasmic reticulum response pathway mediates programmed cell death of root tip induced by water stress in Arabidopsis

Analysing lodging of the panicle bearing cereal teff (Eragrostis tef)

Tissue-level leaf toughness, but not lamina thickness, predicts sapling leaf lifespan and shade tolerance of tropical tree species

Birch (Betula spp.) leaves adsorb and re-release volatiles specific to neighbouring plants - a mechanism for associational herbivore resistance?

Disruption of plant carotenoid biosynthesis through virus-induced gene silencing affects oviposition behaviour of the butterfly Pieris rapae

Comparing arbuscular mycorrhizal communities of individual plants in a grassland biodiversity experiment

Spatial and temporal ecology of Scots pine ectomycorrhizas

Effects of plant sex on range distributions and allocation to reproduction



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