
środa, 28 kwietnia 2010

Systematic Botany vol. 35 no. 1

Spis treści Volume 35, Number 1, February 2010 :

Seedlings of Barro Colorado Island and the Neotropics

Flora de Nicaragua, Tomo IV: Helechos

Alan K. Graham—Recipient of the 2009 Asa Gray Award

Sandra Diane Knapp—Recipient of the 2009 Peter Raven Award

Diversification and Taxonomy of the Liverwort Jubula Dumort. (Jungermanniopsida: Porellales) Inferred from Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Sequences

Polystichum speluncicola sp. nov. (sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae) Based on Morphological, Palynological, and Molecular Evidence with Reference to the Non-Monophyly of Cyrtogonellum

Evidence for Hybrid Origin and Segmental Allopolyploidy in Eutetraploid and Aneutetraploid Lepisorus thunbergianus (Polypodiaceae)
pp. 20-29(10)
Authors: Shinohara, Wataru; Ushio, Yutaka; Seo, Akihiro; Nakato, Narumi; Kono, Masumi; Kudoh, Hiroshi; Tobe, Hiroshi; Murakami, Noriaki

An Extended Phylogeny of Pseuduvaria (Annonaceae) with Descriptions of Three New Species and a Reassessment of the Generic Status of Oreomitra

Systematic Revision of the Epipetrum Group of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) Endemic to Chile

Species Delimitations and Phylogenetic Relationships within the Fully Myco-heterotrophic Hexalectris (Orchidaceae)

Phylogeny of Camassia (Agavaceae) Inferred from Plastid rpl16 Intron and trnD-trnY-trnE-trnT Intergenic Spacer DNA Sequences: Implications for Species Delimitation

Phylogenetic Relationships of the Pseudobulbous Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae) Inferred from Cladistic Analyses of ITS 2, 5.8S Ribosomal RNA Gene, and ETS Sequences

A New Species of Tarigidia (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paniceae) from Puerto Rico and Additional Evidence for a Hybrid Origin of the Genus

Phylogeny of the Temperate Bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) with an Emphasis on Arundinaria and Allies

Systematics of the Aquatic Angiosperm Genus Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae)

Relationships among Diploid Members of the Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) Species Complex Based on Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA Sequences

Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Croton Section Heptallon (Euphorbiaceae)

Geranium pseudodiffusum (Geraniaceae), a New Species from Ecuador and Peru

Molecular Phylogenetic and Morphological Evidence Supports Recognition of Gereaua, a New Endemic Genus of Sapindaceae from Madagascar

Phylogenetic Systematics of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae): Relationships and Divergence Times Estimated from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Sequences

The Phylogeny of Leucothoë s. l. (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) based on Morphological and Molecular (ndhF, matK, and nrITS) Data

Phylogeny of Isodon (Schrad. ex Benth.) Spach (Lamiaceae) and Related Genera Inferred from Nuclear Ribosomal ITS, trnL-trnF Region, and rps16 Intron Sequences and Morphology

Palms of Southern Asia

Tundra to Tropics: the Floristic Plant Geography of North America


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