
piątek, 19 lutego 2010


Bradleya wydawana jest raz w roku przez British Cactus and Succulent Society

Spis treści numeru 27 z 2009 roku:

Editorial: Darwin and Kew anniversaries

Charles Darwin's succulent plants

Living under temporarily arid conditions - succulence as an adaptive strategy

Evolution of cacti driven by genetic drift not selection

Evolution of characters in the Opuntioideae

Insect flower visitors and pollinators of cacti from the southwest USA

On the evolution of nectaries in the Aizoaceae

Kew and its collections of succulent plants

The composite structure of cactus spines

Evolution of bat pollination in cacti

Stapelia hirsuta L. and early portrait

Rectification of a mistake by G.W.Reynolds on a Malagasy Aloe (Asphodelaceae) and description of a new species

The identity of Sansevieria arborescens (Ruscaceae), with an amplified description and description of a new species

Priority of Aloe teissieri over Aloe andohahelensis

Ceropegia thailandica (Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae), a spectacular new Thai species

Aloe arborescens Miller (Asphodelaceae) is spreading in Portugal


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