
środa, 17 lutego 2010

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (ISSN 0323-5408) wydawane jest przez Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Spis treści numeru Volume 42 Number 9, 2009 :

Maji Manas Dev, Sau Haradhan, Das Bimal Kumar
Screening of mulberry germplasm lines against Powdery mildew, Myrothecium leaf spot and Pseudocercospora leaf spot disease complex

Manivasagam Semmalaiappan, Rajinimala Nataraj, Rabindran Ramalingam
Screening of virus specific primers against the Cassava mosaic virus

El-Mohamedy Riad Sedki Riad
Efficiency of different application methods of biocontrol agents and biocides in control of Fusarium root rot on some citrus rootstocks

Niyaz Tabassum
Histology of the interactions of Paecilomyces lilacinus with Meloidogyne incognita on Eclipta alba (L.)

Abeysinghe Saman
The effect of mode of application of Bacillus subtilis CA32r on control of Sclerotium rolfsii on Capsicum annuum

El-Kazzaz A. A., Hanafy M. S., Abdel-Kader M. M.
In vitro selection of resistant rice plants against rice blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae via tissue culture technique

Bhadramurthy, V., George Anju, Bhat A. I., Shiva K. N.
Coat protein gene sequence studies suggest that Cucumber mosaic virus infecting paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) in India belongs to subgroup IB

Chermenskaya Taisya, Petrova Maria, Savelieva Elena
Laboratory and field evaluation of biological active substances of plant origin against greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westw. (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)

Sallam A. A. A., El-Massry S. A., Nasr I. N.
Chemical analysis of mucus from certain land snails under Egyptian conditions

Odedara Olusola, Hughes Jacqueline D', Odu Babajide
Occurrence of latent virus infection in visually-rated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) seedlings

Kumar A. Manoj, Reddy Kalpana, Simon Luke, Ramachandra Y. L.
RAPD analysis of local bell pepper genotypes in relation with powdery mildew incidence and fruit yield: Managing disease by single chemical molecule


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