
niedziela, 7 lutego 2010

Applied Vegetation Science

Applied Vegetation Science (ISSN 1402-2001) wydawane jest przez Opulus Press w imieniu International Association of Vegetation Science
Spis treści numeru Volume 11, Number 2, April 2008 :

Vegetation recovery after fuel management in Mediterranean shrublands
M.J.Baeza ,V.R. Vallejo

Effects on vegetation composition of a modified forest harvesting and propagation method compared with clear-cutting, scarification and planting
Johan Bergstedt,Mats Hagner, Per Milberg,

Effects of climate change on the distribution of Iberian tree species
Marta Benito Garzón,Rut Sánchez de Dios,Helios Sainz Ollero,

Importance of grazing and soil acidity for plant community composition and trait characterisation in coastal dune grasslands
P.Kohyani , B.Bossuyt, D.Bonte ,M.Hoffmann

The effect of the expansion of the clonal grass Calamagrostis epigejos on the species turnover of a semi-arid grassland
Imelda Somodi,Klára Virágh,János Podani

Reintroduction of Nassella pulchra to California coastal grasslands: Effects of topsoil removal, plant neighbour removal and grazing
Elise Buisson, Sean Anderson,Holl Karen D., Emmanuel Corcket, Grey F. Hayes,; Alain Peeters, Thierry Dutoit

Inferring relationships between native plant diversity and Lonicera japonica in upland forests in north Mississippi, USA
Sherry Surrette, B., Brewer J. Stephen

Grazing as a factor structuring grasslands in the Pyrenees
Maria-Teresa Sebastia, Francesco de Bello, Laura Puig, Marc Taull

Germinable soil seed banks in abandoned grasslands in central and western Norway and their significance for restoration
Line Rosef

The suppression of Dendroctonus frontalis and subsequent wildfire have an impact on forest stand dynamics
Coleman T.W., Meeker James R., Clarke Stephen R., Rieske L.K.

Evaluating landscape quality with vegetation naturalness maps: an index and some inferences
Ferrari C., Pezzi G., Diani L., Corazza M.

Long-term seed bank dynamics in a temperate forest under conversion from coppice-with-standards to high forest management
Hans Van Calster, Richard Chevalier, Bram Van Wyngene, Frédéric Archaux, Kris Verheyen, Martin Hermy

Quantifying successional changes in response to forest disturbances
Penman Trent D., Binns Doug L., Kavanagh Rodney P.

Multi-scale responses of plant species diversity in semi-natural buffer strips to agricultural landscapes
Maohua Ma

Long-term after-effects of fertilisation on the restoration of calcareous grasslands
Smits N.A.C., Willems J.H., Bobbink R.


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