
środa, 10 lutego 2010

Annals of Botany

Annals of Botany (ISSN 0305-7364) wydawany jest przez Oxford University Press cztery razy w roku.

Spis treści numeru Volume 104, Number 4, 25 September 2009 :

John Bryant takes a closer look at some of this month's Original Articles
Bryant, J. A.

Regulation of gene expression in plants: the role of transcript structure and processing
Aronsson, Henrik; Jarvis, Paul

Sulfur in plants: an ecological perspective
Astolfi, Stefania

Principles and practices of plant genomics. Volume 2: Molecular breeding
Alix, Karine

The rhizosphere: biochemistry and organic substances at the soilplant interface. 2nd edn.
Watt, Michelle

An introduction to mathematical models in ecology and evolution: time and space. 2nd edn.
Gamarra, Javier G. P.

Recent advances in the study of gynodioecy: the interface of theory and empiricism
McCauley, David E.; Bailey, Maia F.

Developmental changes in spatial distribution of in vivo fluorescence and epidermal UV absorbance over Quercus petraea leaves
Meyer, S.; Louis, J.; Moise, N.; Piolot, T.; Baudin, X.; Cerovic, Z. G.

Sucrose importation into laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis, in relation to ethylene stimulation of latex production
Dusotoit-Coucaud, Anas; Brunel, Nicole; Kongsawadworakul, Panida; Viboonjun, Unchera; Lacointe, Andr; Julien, Jean-Louis; Chrestin, Herv; Sakr, Soulaman

Mineral nutrient uptake from prey and glandular phosphatase activity as a dual test of carnivory in semi-desert plants with glandular leaves suspected of carnivory
Pachno, Bartosz Jan; Adamec, Lubomr; Huet, Herv

Phylogeography and disjunct distribution in Lychnophora ericoides (Asteraceae), an endangered cerrado shrub species
Collevatti, Rosane Garcia; Rabelo, Suelen Gonalves; Vieira, Roberto F.

Dendrochronological potential of the alpine shrub Rhododendron nivale on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau
Liang, Eryuan; Eckstein, Dieter

Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) under soil water saturation: morphophysiological and growth responses
Medina, Camilo L.; Sanches, Maria Cristina; Tucci, Maria Luiza S.; Sousa, Carlos A. F.; Cuzzuol, Geraldo Rogrio F.; Joly, Carlos A.

A bicontinental origin of polyploid Australian/New Zealand Lepidium species (Brassicaceae)? Evidence from genomic in situ hybridization
Dierschke, Tom; Mandkov, Terezie; Lysak, Martin A.; Mummenhoff, Klaus

Implications of a long-term, pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits in a generalist herb
Snchez-Lafuente, Alfonso M.; Parra, Raquel

Carbon allocation during fruiting in Rubus chamaemorus
Gauci, R.; Otrysko, B.; Catford, J.-G.; Lapointe, L.

The seed bank longevity index revisited: limited reliability evident from a burial experiment and database analyses
Saatkamp, Arne; Affre, Laurence; Dutoit, Thierry; Poschlod, Peter

Ancient and current gene flow between two distantly related Mediterranean oak species, Quercus suber and Q. ilex
Lumaret, Roselyne; Jabbour-Zahab, Roula

Response to non-uniform salinity in the root zone of the halophyte Atriplex nummularia: growth, photosynthesis, water relations and tissue ion concentrations
Bazihizina, Nadia; Colmer, Timothy D.; Barrett-Lennard, Edward G.

Simulating the evolution of glyphosate resistance in grains farming in northern Australia
Thornby, David F.; Walker, Steve R.

Functional and genetic diversity of mycorrhizal fungi from single plants of Caladenia formosa (Orchidaceae)
Huynh, Tien T.; Thomson, Richard; Mclean, Cassandra B.; Lawrie, Ann C.

Effects of pollination timing on seed paternity and seed mass in Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae)
Burkhardt, Anne; Internicola, Antonina; Bernasconi, Giorgina

Simulating carbon dioxide exchange rates of deciduous tree species: evidence for a general pattern in biochemical changes and water stress response
Reynolds, Robert F.; Bauerle, William L.; Wang, Ying

Extra petals in the buttercup (Ranunculus repens) provide a quick method to estimate the age of meadows
Warren, John


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